Architectural Survey of Martin County

Butchko, Thomas R., ed. Martin Architectural Heritage: The Historic Structures of a Rural North Carolina County. Williamston, NC: Martin County Historical Society, 1998. 

The Martin County Historical Society, over the course of six years, and with the support of numerous other contributors, completed a survey of historic Martin County houses. This culminated in "Martin Architectural Heritage: The Historic Structures of a Rural North Carolina County", a book that is still available for sale at the Historical Society. For each house listed there is a brief history and a photo. Many of the houses you'll find here, no longer exist. 

The original research, including the history of the house, house plan, property map, negatives, and photos, are archived at the Martin Community College Library History Room, in Williamston. This site contains mostly those houses that I thought would assist me in my own research. These are listed in A-Z order according to surname and are also included in the main Index. Not all of the houses are included in the published book, which makes this particularly valuable. Most of the Town of Robersonville photos are part of the Francis Manning Collection.

This sampling is meant to encourage you to use a resource you may not have thought of prior to now.