Government Vital Records (free subscription)
· Note: Martin, Edgecombe, and Pitt County records are available from each source unless otherwise noted.
North Carolina Department of Archives and History: Index to Vital Records, 1800-2000
- Contains images of the indexes for births, delayed births, and deaths
- Search by name on the Collection Details Page
North Carolina Births and Christenings, 1866-1964
- Names index to births, baptisms, and christenings
- Microfilm copies available at Family History Library and FamilySearch Centers
- Christenings available for Pitt County, but not Martin or Edgecombe
North Carolina, Center for Health Statistics, Vital Records Unit, County Birth Records, 1913-1922
- No index, listed by date, volume #, certificate #. Delayed records listed at beginning of each month
- Microfilms of originals housed at the North Carolina State Vital Records Office, Raleigh, North Carolina
o The NCSVRO requests that they only be contacted as a last resort. Check other sources 1st
North Carolina Marriages, 1759-1979
- Search by name to view microfilm images of marriage indexes
- Then view a range of images that your record is believed to be on. You will not go to the direct page
North Carolina, County Marriages, 1762-1979
- Records in licenses, marriage application, bonds, certificates, packets and cohabitation registers.
- Includes and index and images of documents
North Carolina, Civil Marriages, 1763-1868
- Indexes only to selected county marriage bonds and certificates
- Images for Edgecombe County are not available online but are can be accessed at a FamilySearch Center or Affiliate Library.
- Does not include Martin or Pitt County
Martin County Marriage Index, 1872-1935 in the International Genealogical Index
- Information collected from various sources
- Images may or may not be available
North Carolina Death, 1906-1930
- Search by name to view microfilm images of death certificates
North Carolina Deaths, 1931-1994
- Search by name to view microfilm images of death certificates
Death Certificates, 1906-1994 and Indexes 1906-1967; Still Births, 1914-1953; Fetal Death Indexes 1950-
- Microfilmed Indexes by County and Surname
- Counties have designated numbers in the Death Index. Edgecombe – 33, Martin – 59, Pitt – 74.
North Carolina, Divorce Records, 1926-1975
- Index to former husbands and maiden names of divorced women
- Search by name (subscription required)
· Note: Martin, Edgecombe, and Pitt County records are available from each source
North Carolina, U.S. Birth Indexes, 1800-2000
- Searchable by name
- Includes delayed birth registrations into the 18th century. These required submitting proof of birthdate or age, birthplace, and parentage from other records. Bibles and the names of current owners of Bibles were required, if used as proof.
North Carolina, U.S. Index to Marriage Bonds, 1741-1868
- Note: Bonds were not required by law
North Carolina, U.S. Marriage Records, 1741-2001
- Index with some images
North Carolina, U.S. Divorce Index, 1958-2004
- Over 33,000 divorces are indexed
North Carolina, U.S., Death Indexes, 1908-2004
- Index with some images of microfilm copies of death indexes
North Carolina, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1930
- Searchable image set but can be browsed by film #
North Carolina, U.S., Death Certificates, 1909-1979
- Images of certificates, including stillborn and fetal deaths
North Carolina, U.S., Divorce Index, 1958-2004
- Search index by name
- Copies of the documents after 2004, must be ordered
NC Department of Archives and History
109 East Jones Street
Raleigh, NC 27601
Hours: Tuesday – Friday 9-5, Saturday – 9-1
- Microfilmed originals, index with book or file number
- After 1968 lists certificate number
- Martin, Edgecombe, and Pitt County is included
Marriage Registers, Indexes, Licenses:
- Microfilmed originals, index with images
- Martin, Edgecombe, and Pitt County is included
Cohabitation Records: 1866-1867
- Edgecombe and Pitt Counties are included. Martin is not.
- Images are available but must be browsed by county
NC Department of Vital Records
Cooper Memorial Health Building
225 N. McDowell St.
Raleigh, NC 27603-1382
Hours: 8-5 Monday - Friday
In person by appointment only:
This form must be completed before any in-person appointments are made.
For certificate inquiries:
Call 984-236-7268
Online inquiries:
The NC Department of Vital Records requests that you use them as a last resort. Do not contact them without first having prepared specific information to narrow your search. There is a $24 fee per each 3-year period searched.
Death Certificates:
- 1930+
Marriage Records:
- Maintains marriage records since 1962
Martin County Register of Deeds
305 East Main Street Room 15
Williamston, NC 27892
Phone 252-789-4320
Hours: 8-5 Monday – Friday
No appointments required.
Birth Certificates from 1913+
Death Certificates: 1979+
Marriage Licenses: All
Published Abstracts
No abstracts of vital records found at this time